
  三次市三良坂町三良坂の三良坂平和公園に建立されている栗原貞子詩碑“わたすの母子像”を:早川敦子が英訳した「“ Mother and Child ” ― A Prayer Passed on」碑です。

“ Mother and Child ” ― A Prayer Passed on
by Sadako Kurihara
The naked mother carved from Indian rock
Stretching her hand toward her naked child.
What is that she is trying to give her naked child, carved also in white?
In the evening dusk of the Peace Memorial Park,
Hundreds of lanterns are casting serene beams
Into our world of earthly chaos.
The people gathered around the “mother and child” have joined hands
To share the ardent wish the mother is passing to her child,
The wish they also cherish deep in their hearts.
The glittering lights of white lanterns here in the Peace Memorial Park
Are fervent prayers offered to soothe the flames of war
Always burning in the world ―
The very wish the naked mother is directing to her child.
“Mother and child” carved in white,
Please, hand to all the mothers and children of the world,
Our prayers and wish.
広島県三次市三良坂町三良坂2825 三良坂平和公園
earthly a. 地上の; この世の, 世俗の; 物質的な; ((否定文,疑問文で)) 全然, 一体 (on earth)
chaos (カオス) n. (時にChaos) (天地創造以前の)混沌(こんとん); 混乱(状態); 無秩序
〔仏〕 悪世になると生じる五つの悪い現象。




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